Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Best War Movies Ever!!! Which is Your Choice???

I've been a fans of war movies since childhood and have a tons of collection of war movies either it's box office or not as long as it's a movie about war. Start from Kojak until terrorism war it must be in my collection.

Of course it must be an original and i'm quite picky about movies. For me, the best war movies ever is Saving Private Ryan; which is starred by my favourite actor; Tom Hanks. I adore you so much Mr. Hanks. Then comes HBO miniseries The Band of Brothers which become my 2nd favourite movies. If you were more to sophisticated war gadgets perhaps you would love Black Hawk Down, my third favourite movies.
I am more keen to watch war movies about the war rather than one man show hero such as Rambo, nevertheless the story plot quite interesting. Not to forget a series about Vietnam war; NAM, yup it is a very good drama.
So, what's yours??? Note down what's the best of yours and maybe we can discussed further what are the best movie will be next???
To refresh your brains please click to watch a glimpse of Saving Private Ryan in Omaha beach scene :


  1.'re the epic movies guy dude... Nice...

  2. Same for me, "300"! And "Meet the Spartans" haha XD

  3. Smells something fishy here... Do you remember the spears or tits??? hahaha... just kidding...
